Friday, April 15, 2011

What is an Idea?

What is an idea? Well the technical definition is "any conception existing in the mind as a result of mental understanding,awareness or activity." for some reason, this definition doesnt satisfy me at all. See, Im a lover of words so its an interesting thing to define such a human personal event, which varies with each individual. Well how does an idea come about? Obviously from preexisting knowledge.To create a car we must first create a wheel; Ipads would not exist, had the calculator not been thought up first. So our ideas(not excluding personal opinions) must come from older learnt habits and ideas.

Why are some ideas considered radical and controversial? Dont be quick to point a finger at religion. Yes, religion has played a huge role in our world, influencing lawmakers, politicians and buisness men,playing a huge role in the socio-economic infrastructure in almost all societies. So, why is it so hard to accept an idea, or even, to convieve one? It might be that it conflicts so greatly with our peers and/or religious leaders. We fear being ostracized so we limit our ideas to what is appropriate and permitted. Often times, exressing ones beliefs in a hostile environment can put their lives and the lives of their loved ones in jeopardy. Another reasons why we are discouraged from thinking and meditating on our thoughts is because,simply put, humans naturally want to be comfortable regardless of the fact that change only helps us progress and dominate as a species. But bottom line, we like comfort, and often times thinking TOO MUCH is not someting we find comfortable and relaxing.

I will venture again on the question "what is an idea". In my opinion its a formation process,where, all of what we learned in our lives combines with what we concieve as the outcome in order to create a new perception, a new way of thinking and seeing what is in front of us in a different light. Ideas are as fragile as a babies skin, as graceful as the fastidious movement of the swan and almost as important to our existences' as the next breath we take.

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